AUM SURFACE TECHNOLOGY - Latest update - Steam Turbine Components Manufacturers in India

Steam Turbine Components Manufacturers in India

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A steam turbine is a sophisticated piece of machinery with several critical components, each playing a vital role in its operation. The primary component is the rotor, which is a shaft with attached blades or buckets. Steam directed onto these blades causes the rotor to spin, converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. Surrounding the rotor is the stator, which contains fixed blades or nozzles that direct the steam flow onto the rotor blades at optimal angles. The casing encloses the rotor and stator, providing a pressure-tight environment to contain the steam. Bearings support the rotor, allowing it to spin smoothly while maintaining alignment. Additionally, seals prevent steam from leaking out of the casing and maintain efficiency. Governors regulate the turbine's speed by controlling steam flow, ensuring stable and safe operation. The condenser is another crucial component, where exhaust steam is condensed back into water for reuse in the boiler. Each of these components works in unison to ensure the efficient and reliable operation of a steam turbine.

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