Thermal spray dust collector

A thermal spray dust collector is an essential component of thermal spray systems, particularly in environments where the application of coatings generates airborne particles, fumes, and dust. Here's an overview of thermal spray dust collectors:


  • Particle Removal: The primary function of a thermal spray dust collector is to remove airborne particles, fumes, and dust generated during the thermal spray process.
  • Air Purification: It helps maintain a clean and safe working environment by capturing and filtering out hazardous particles, including fine particulate matter and potentially toxic fumes.


  • Capture Hood or Nozzle: Positioned near the thermal spray application area to capture airborne particles and fumes.
  • Ductwork: Transports captured particles and fumes from the application area to the dust collector unit.
  • Filter System: Typically consists of one or more filters (such as bag filters, cartridge filters, or HEPA filters) designed to trap particles of various sizes.
  • Fan or Blower: Creates airflow to draw particles into the collector and through the filtration system.
  • Collection Bin or Receptacle: Collects filtered particles for disposal or recycling.

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